Security Concerns in a Project’s Life Cycle

Security in project’s life cycle

Design Flaws
Project design is an important aspect in a project’s (security). Good design can minimize design-related risks while defects will magnify possible risks, increase the difficulty of implementation, and reduce development efficiency.
Operation Risks
Unsafe operation practices and neglect in maintenance will greatly increase the risk of a project once it is launched. These practices include setting the wrong parameters, performing an imperfect upgrade, or passing an unsafe proposal.
Code Vulnerabilities
The source code must undergo security audits and battle-tests before it is deployed online. Otherwise, hidden loopholes or issues may not be effectively uncovered. Exploits in these loopholes will cause a devastating blow to the project.
Permission Risks
Permission management is vital for a project’s security management. The compromise of permissions will cause loss of assets or function failures.
Design flaw
Project design is an important aspect in a project’s (security). Good design can minimize design-related risks while defects will magnify possible risks, increase the difficulty of implementation, and reduce development efficiency.
Operation risk
Unsafe operation practices and neglect in maintenance will greatly increase the risk of a project once it is launched. These practices include setting the wrong parameters, performing an imperfect upgrade, or passing an unsafe proposal.
Code vulnerability
The source code must undergo security audits and battle-tests before it is deployed online. Otherwise, hidden loopholes or issues may not be effectively uncovered. Exploits in these loopholes will cause a devastating blow to the project.
Permission risk
Permission management is vital for a project’s security management. The compromise of permissions will cause loss of assets or function failures.
Stages of Security Services Rendered in a Project’s Life Cycle
  • Design Stage: Provide design consulting services and popular security solutions to minimize the risks brought by flawed designs.

  • Development Stage: Provide specific consulting service to code implementation and optimization. We compare different implementation schemes, list their advantages, disadvantages and security risks, before presenting our best suggestions and advice. We also help our clients avoid mistakes, improve efficiency and save time and costs in development.

  • Testing Stage: Provide technical support and consulting services to product testing, and advise on testing methods and coverage of test cases.

  • Audit Stage: Conduct comprehensive security audits both manually and through Fairyproof’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to ensure product security before deployment.

  • Operation Stage: Provide data and monitoring services. Apply Fairyproof’s AI systems for intelligent analysis, generate routine risk control reports and provide security recommendations

  • Manage Stage: Assist in permission control, management of sensitive data, and establishment of a DAO.

  • Emergency: When security incidents occur, Fairyproof will timely carry out emergency response plans, and assist clients in actions to mitigate losses including halting projects, transferring assets to secure wallets, tracking lost assets, analyzing hackers’ behavior, and contacting involving companies or institutions to freeze or return assets if applicable.

security audit process
Low Risk
Emergency Measures
Asset Security
Boundary Conditions
Secure Development Process
Secure Implementation
Secure Self-check
Secure Coding Standards
White-box Testing
Black-box Testing
Penetration Testing
Code Audit
Risk Uncovering
Enhancement Suggestions
Abnormal Data
Operational Inspection
Monitoring And Statistics
Daily Assessment
Management of Access Control
Environment Security
Routine Security Practices
Project Halting
Incident Analysis
Asset Rescue
Business Communication
Code Design & Implementation
Code Delivery

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